We cannot restore your health in the event of a car accident, but we can at least mitigate the financial impact thereof. Insurance covering death or permanent disability caused by a car accident gives peace of mind to you and your loved ones – if you are injured while driving and are unable to practice your profession, we will pay you either a lump-sum compensation or a lifetime annuity (depending on the severity of the injury). And, of course, you know in advance what benefit amount you would receive.

You will be happy to have it

  • When you support a family and are concerned about the financial consequences of the accident
  • If you are a professional driver or your job requires you to spend your working time driving
  • When you get injured in an accident caused by you
Death due to injury
CZK 100,000
Permanent consequences of injury
lump-sum compensation according to the degree
of physical damage
10-29% 30-49%
CZK 100,000 CZK 200,000
Monthly life annuity with physical damage from 50%
Age of the insured person at the time of injury Monthly annuity
18 to 25 years CZK 7,000
26 to 39 years CZK 11,000
40 to 49 years CZK 12,500
50 to 59 years CZK 15,000
60 and more CZK 17,500


Product information
Insurance conditions